What’s Your Sentence? 

I was not able to talk to the Pope while he was in town, so I will share my confession with you.

I am the person who is inspired by words in a funky handwriting on top of a black and white photograph. Or mint green background with some gold confetti. You know. The cheesy life inspiration you see while trolling through Pinterest.

I also think Ryan Adams covering Taylor Swift’s 1989 album is genius.

That might not do it for you. So, there is more.

I recently came across a quotation that resonated with me. 

It did not change my life or introduce me to powerful words or thought I had never considered, but the letters and words formed a sentence that seemed to define my current mindset. I AIM for the green one below.

Naturally, I pinned the artsy dose of inspiration to one of my boards and posted it with a filter on Instagram. Yes, words sometimes deserve to look their best when being shared on social media as well. Valencia can work wonders, you know. Especially when you have been around longer than nineteen years.

Why did I pin it and share it? Why did I think about it later? Why am I writing this now? 

First, I am older than nineteen and sometimes even the filters do not help you on your bad everything day.

So, I went for something that would make people think. If Instagram is not the appropriate venue for a little bumper sticker wisdom, then just consider me inappropriate.

I could have posted another image instead and asked if the open corn husk or Donald Trump’s hair wore it better in a clever caption, but I thought you may have gotten your fix.

My idea of making America great again involves voting for just about anyone other than Trump. And being better than I was yesterday. And helping America’s youth to expand their minds and discover their passions. Oh and sharing my newly found wisdom on social media.

In all seriousness, I want to help myself and others find a sentence. Watch the 2 minute clip below so you know what I mean by “find a sentence.” Also, it would be a little awkward if you said you read my blog and then could not fully discuss it with me because you skipped the video. #ThinkBigPicture #Daniel Pink

The Surprising Truth
Maybe you don’t want to restrict yourself with one sentence. I know I don’t.

Here’s what I know for sure…

(channeling my “Inner Oprah”)

I need a sentence. I need one to focus on and one at a time, too. I’m even a fan of zooming in on one word at a time. The sentences all connect in one big picture at the end anyway. Read the quote above again about tugging at one thing and then finding it is ALL connected. John Muir had a lot of sentences, so maybe we should take his lead and spend more time outdoors.
So what? Now what? 

Maybe you are not on board with the sentence thing. Maybe you are uber organized or have life all figured out. Good for you. Now, be honest and consider the following:

1. You may have a hard time writing a sentence that defines you or who you want to become.

2. Brainstorm a list for the long haul.

3. Begin anywhere.

4. Try blending a few from your list or grouping them in categories.

5. Include your accomplishments to date.

#TheUniversityOfAlabama #GraduateSchoolGrad #Finally #OldNameRightPerson

6. You cannot always pick the order of your sentences.

7. The people who help you write (or prevent sentence writing all together) change.
8. So do you. And that’s a good thing. Maybe that’s how we measure whether or not the structure (and the power) of the sentence(s) are effective.

9. You must know by now that in this wild world things are also beautifully mundane and ordinary. It is going to be okay if your sentence is too.

10. Curiosity. Exploration. Connections. Purpose. GRIT. I’m still working on these words developing into sentences.

My current sentence is…

Help others to recognize their own fire and passion so they are motivated to write their own sentence and move forward. 

#HowToBeAnExplorerOfTheWorld #KeriSmithRocks

There’s an APP for that. Check out the WOOP (Wish Outcome Obstacle Plan) APP and let me know if you want to join us next week in our classroom.

My best inspiration comes from wanting to learn more for myself and from friends who are constantly reading and trying new things.

My kids at school push me to think critically and creatively. There is no way I could spend time with them each day and not be more curious. It is absolutely contagious.


My husband brings me back to reality when I have traveled too far off the path and he’s just about the only one who can call me on it.


Pinterest and bumper stickers are still in my top 10 list, though.

Daniel Pink nailed it with this one…
“Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined and connected to one another. And when that drive is liberated, people achieve more and live richer lives.”

So, what’s your sentence? 


2 responses to “What’s Your Sentence? 

  1. in French : “Aide toi, et le ciel t’aidera”. Litteral translation is: “Help yourself and God will help you.” I am not a believer, but this is a sentence that my grand-mother told me over and over again when I was young. It means that if you make an effort, then the universe/God will align and makes things happen for you. But you have to make an effort first, things just don’t grow on trees. Have a beautiful week!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Everday I try my best, and some days it is not my best at all, but some days it is the best I have ever been.

    My sentence today.

    Also I totally dig Ryan Adams covering 1989.

    Liked by 1 person

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